Ubuntu Phones Coming on October 2013

Ubuntu, the linux-based operating system previously used in running servers and other infrastructure in many corporate IT departments will soon join the highly competitive smartphone arena come October 2013 says Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth earlier today in an interview with Wall Street Journal.

The operating system was first seen last month at the 2013 International CES running on a Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone. In terms of UI design, the OS makes heavy use of gestures for navigation and puts heavy emphasis on HTML5 web apps. The operating system shares an uncanny resemblance to Android as most of its component are based on it. However, Ubuntu has added several useful features at the same time removed or modified components to improve customer experience.

An additional feature of the OS that most businesses would definitely appreciate is its ability to provide access to all manners of data from different servers making it highly convenient to access corporate information through a single pocket-sized device. A practical example of this innovation is the ability of an Ubuntu smartphone to dock into larger displays and other computer peripherals and have Windows-based applications streamed to them from corporate servers.

Moreover, Ubuntu’s history of a rich app ecosystem ensures users of a dynamic mobile landscape that can easily adapt to their needs as a consumer or as a business.

According to Shuttleworth, Ubuntu smartphones will be distributed across large geographic markets with North America being one of the top destinations. He also adds that several carriers have also shown interest in the smartphone and its OS. Which carriers these are remains a mystery though. Nevertheless, these information will be revealed in due time so for the rest of us, all we can do is wait several months more.

So what are your thoughts about Ubuntu and their upcoming smartphones? Tell us by leaving a comment below. You can also subscribe to our blog or add us up on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus for other Filipino lifestyle stories.


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