Tech Tuesdays Episode 26: Buy and Sell

In the corporate world, the concept of buying, selling and merging different companies is no longer something out of the ordinary. As a lot of companies experience losses and other financial hardships, many of them will resort to selling their assets to other companies to stay afloat. On the other hand, more stable companies may acquire other businesses in order to either expand their product line or even lessen the competition.

And the tech industry of course is no exception from this practice. In the past we’ve seen different companies do the buy and sell process in order to be saved from bankruptcy or other financial woes while for others it’s more for strategy.

In this week’s edition of Tech Tuesday’s on TFL, we’ll be talking about two companies who have either bough something to strengthen its portfolio or sold something in order to prevent the business from going bankrupt. And as an added bonus, we’ll be talking about a much anticipated gadget that will soon reach Philippine shores these coming weeks.  


The search engine giant is trying to take on Amazon with its latest acquisition – Bufferbox. For everyone’s information, Bufferbox is an online service that compliments your purchases online by allowing the users to order things online and then deliver the package to a locker in a local store. The locker can then be unlocked using a PIN code as a key.

This process is more convenient as users will have more time to claim their purchases in a more flexible time compared if it was shipped through a postal service. Amazon offers a very similar service called Amazon Locker which is available in 7-Eleven stores and is schedules to be available in Staples and Radio shack stores as well.


It seems that the Finnish mobile phone manufacturer is still not having a few financial hurdles And this is clearly evident when it just sold today its headquarters office in Finland for 170 million euros. According to Nokia, they are at present prioritizing other resources in order to keep the company’s normal flow of operations and at this time, investing in real estate is not really part of the Nokia’s core businesses.

However, Nokia will still use the 48,000 square meters of office real estate as they will continue their operations in the said building, but on a lease. The building has been housing Nokia’s HQ since 1997 and is located in Espoo, Finland.


Last but definitely not the least, the Apple iPhone 5 is schedule to hit Philippine shores by December 14 along with several other countries including Albania, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bolivia, Chile, Indonesia, Israel, Malaysia, Panama, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Venezuela to name a few.

The fifth generation iPhone is already schedule to arrive at Samsung’s territory – South Korea by December 7. While a third wave of countries will experience the iPhone on December 21 including Vietnam, Egypt, Madagascar and several other countries from Africa.

So there you have it everyone. Join us again next week as we bring you the latest news on the tech world. You may also want to subscribe to our blog or drop by our Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus account for more Filipino lifestyle stories about food, travel, fashion and of course technology.


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The Filipino Lifestyle is a team of young and hip professionals with a passion for sharing their insights on topics various about technology, gadgets, travel, food, beauty and fashion with the rest of the online world. The team’s unique mix of hobbies and interest allows The Filipino Lifestyle Blog to be a rich source of information for its readers that is both fun and interesting to read.

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