5 Tips on How to Pack Light when Travelling

Travelling has been one of the most popular activities that a lot of Filipinos enjoy these days. But there’s one very crucial thing that comes with travelling that a lot of people are oftentimes having trouble with – packing. For most people, it would seem that packing stuff would be very easy as shoving clothes and other items in your bag. But of course in reality, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

If you’re travelling by plane, this would be more difficult due to luggage limitations. And if you’re travelling by bus or van, hauling a giant bag in your lap is really not that convenient, right? So having said this, it is very important to pack the right stuff in the right amount whenever you’re going on an out of town trip. So to help you guys out, the next time you set off on a trip, here are a few tips on how to travel lighter and more efficiently.

1.) Arrange your clothes in rolls. Rolling your clothes and arranging them neatly in your bag helps a lot by not only making more room inside your bag but it also makes it really convenient to check things on the last minute as one would easily see all the items in your bag using this arrangement. It’s also easier to compact things when clothes are rolled in contrast when they’re just laid flat.

2.) Use a shammy cloth towel. If you’re not sure whether the hotel or resort you’re going to offers bath towels as standard or you’re not just comfortable using towels other than your own, then bringing a bath towel is not an option. However, bath towels are quite large and heavy. It also takes a large amount of space in your bag, space which can be used to store other things. So if you really need to bring your own towel, try bringing a shammy cloth towel instead. It takes half the space and absorbs the same amount of water.

3.) Use the proper bag. Having a nice system of organizing your stuff is not enough to make your travel lighter. Having the right bag to put all your things plays a pivotal role in order to keep your package light. For me, the best travel bag is always a backpack. Backpacks balance the weight of its contents between your shoulders making it easier to carry. It is also nice if you bag would have several compartments and pockets to store your various gadgets and trinkets. Additional storage would also help getting things organized and most of the times more accessible.

4.) Bring only what you need. The excitement of going on a place you haven’t been before can cause anyone to overestimate a lot of things. And this is also true when it comes to packing. Even though you’re very excited, always keep in mind to bring only the things that you will need. If you’re going on a 5-day trip, bring only things that you will need for the duration of your trip.

5.)Plan ahead of time. Cramming is possibly be a travellers worst enemy. A hap-hazard, last minute packing things would increase the chance of a person over pack or worse, forget something. So it’s always advisable to plan things ahead of time so you can sort things out, packing only the things that are necessary and choosing the right equipment to haul all your stuff.

So I hope this post was able to help you out whenever you plan to go out of town. Do you have other suggestions on how to pack lighter when travelling? Do tell us by leaving a comment below. You can also drop a line on TFL’s Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus accounts. You can also subscribe to TFL using this link.


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