January 30, 2013 will be Blackberry’s Renaisance

Research in Motion, the company behind the Blackberry line of smartphones has just announced that they will unveil their very much awaited Blackberry 10 on January 30, 2013. Many analysts have indicated that this new operating system may be the Canadian telecom company’s saving grace as the company’s market share in the smartphone industry has slowly dwindled in recent years while its losses has ballooned due to its inability to keep up with more updated and intuitive platforms such as iOS, Android and of course its main rival in the corporate smartphone segment – Windows Phone.

However, RIM has caused disappointment to a lot of BB fans this year when it failed to unveil the newer and fresher version of its mobile operating system. And instead, the company announced that the new OS will just be released the following year. According to reports, RIM postponed the release OS 10 as the company wanted to further improve and further polish the operating system and unveil it to the public only once they feel that it’s completely bug free and optimized.

The first version of Blackberry OS 10 was first handed down to developers, last May 2012; and just two months ago, additional features of the operating system were circulated in a special event that also showcased the Dev Alpha B handset. Notable new features of OS 10 include an updated home screen, an advanced version of the inbox called Blackberry Hub, a new version of BBM and gesture-based controls to name a few.

Two devices are also expected to be shown on January 30. One of them is the earlier rumored “London” that sports a 1.5GHz dual core processor, 1GB of RAM, an 8MP camera and 16GB of internal storage. And we might even see the Blackberry Laguna. Nevertheless, only time will tell if RIM will stay true to its words and give us OS 10 come January 30, 2013. In any case, all we can do is wait.

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