Food Shoot out: Champ vs QP

Burgers have always been a favourite food item in restaurants, fast food chains and even in street side canteens. So it’s not a surprise if burgers have evolved in terms of taste, construction and pricing. There are budget burgers, fancy and massive and expensive ones. Among these different recipes are two distinct burgers – Jollibee’s Champ and McDonalds’s Quarter pounder with cheese.
But which is better? Here’s a quick comparison of the Champ and the Quarter pounder.

INGREDIENTS. In terms of number of ingredients, the Champ wins over the Quarter pounder with it's 1/3 pound beef patty sandwiched in several layers of lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, cheese, and buns. The Quarter pounder on the other hand, is made up of only the 1/4 pound beef patty, with pickles, onions, ketchup, mustard and cheese.

NUTRITIONAL VALUE. For each of the burgers' nutritional value, the quarter pounder packs around 560g of calories and 1,390mg of sodium. Meanwhile, the Jollibee Champ has less cholesterol and sodium, but it has more fat, specifically saturated fat. 

For health buffs out there, you probably already know that too much sodium in the body can cause elevated blood pressure, which can lead to heart attack, stroke or kidney failure. Too much sodium in the body can also sometimes cause swelling of the legs and hands.

Saturated fat on the other hand can also cause heart problems. Saturated fat can negatively affect the "good" cholesterol in the body and affects the arteries' ability to expand which will reduce the efficient transportation of blood throughout the body.

Both burgers come in a value meal which includes a regular sized drink and fries.

At the end of the day, the choice between a Champ and a quarter pounder is still a matter of personal preference. Although they are not really the type of meal that you would like to eat on a daily basis, they are still those type of food that you crave every once in a while.


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