Tech Tuesdays Ep. 8: Twitter | Fiber | Lion

Hello everyone, it’s time again for another episode of Tech Tuesdays on TFL. If you’ve been living under a rock, there are a few things that happened last week. For starters, the 2012 Olympics in London kicked off last week. But there were also some news makers from the tech industry last week.

So in this week’s edition, we’ll be talking about Apple’s new operating system, Google’s upcoming high speed internet network and Twitter’s decision to sever ties with another partner company.


Social networking service Twitter has once again surprised everyone when they pulled their “Find Twitter Friends” off of Instagram last Thursday. Users began noticing a pop-up message saying that Twitter is no longer allows its users to access information in Instagram via the Twitter API.

This is the second time that the social network has decided to end a partnership with another company. It was late June of this year that Twitter stopped syncing updates to professional social network Linkedin.

According to company CEO Dick Costolo, Twitter’s decision to sever ties with Instagram and Linkedin was in line with the company’s goal of having companies to build into Twitter rather than building off of it. For now, it’s unclear whether the social network will continue to disconnect itself from other partners, but a lot of people are unsure if this is a smart move for the company.


Google is planning to expand its empire into the internet service provision industry. Last Thursday, the search behemoth announced its high-speed internet network that is to be called as Google Fiber. According to reports, the network is aiming to provide a connection speed of at least 1Gbps, which is 100 times faster than today’s average connection.

The service will be first made available to consumers from Kansas City into small communities called fiberhoods. In order for a fiberhood to get the service, a great majority of the residents in that community would have to pre-register. Only those fiberhoods with a high pre-registration rate will be the first to get the service.

Based on reports, the service will be available for about $70 a month or $120 for internet with TV. There will also be an initial $300 installation fee. Furthermore, it is reported that each subscription package will come with a Nexus 7 tablet that will act as a remote control.


Apple releases the newest version of its operating system – Mac OS X dubbed as Mountain Lion. The new OS brings about more than 200 features to Mac users and fans. These features include improvements in accessibility, improvements in Facebook and Twitter integration and enhancements in the calendar, messages and safari app.

Mountain Lion also integrates Apple’s very own cloud service – iCloud. This enables the operating system to seamlessly share files and information to other devices such as iPads and iPhones, which in turn makes the OS easier to setup. Another feature that is improved in Mountain Lion is Airplay Mirroring, which allows users to share their screen to other devices with the same Airplay feature like an Apple TV.

The operating system is now available in Apple’s App store for under $20.

And that concludes this edition of Tech Tuesdays on TFL, your weekly roundup of news and updates from the tech world. And please, if you have the time, follow us on Twitter and be a fan on Facebook. Thanks and see you next week!


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