Tech Tuesdays Ep. 7: Google | Yahoo! | Microsoft

It’s another Tuesday and that would only mean that there’s a new episode of Tech Tuesdays on TFL! Last week, we talked about the gaming console Ouya, the security breach that happened on Yahoo! and Formspring and an Nvidia event.

In this week’s episode, the news is all about three big IT companies and the different events that transpired within the past 7 days that are related to them. First on the list is Google.


American search engine giant recently acquired Sparrow. For those who don’t know, Sparrow is an email client for Mac OS X and iOS that offers an intuitive and streamline user experience to Apple consumers. Originally meant as a minor project, Sparrow went on sale in the Mac App Store on February 9, 2011 and immediately became the top grossing paid app in less than one day.

On July 20, 2012, Dom Leca, Sparrow’s CEO, announced in the company’s website that they will be heading to Google to work with the Gmail team. She also said that even though they are going to help Google with Gmail, Sparrow will continue to offer and provide support to their existing customers from Apple devices.

Google hopes that through the acquisition of Sparrow, their Gmail app can be improved in iOS and Mac and possible improve it further on the PC and on Android. Unfortunately for Apple device users, the acquisition means that development of the app for iOS and Mac will eventually stop to make way for projects from Google.


After the disastrous hacker attack last week on Yahoo! voices, the Sunnyvale, California-based internet company has got itself a new CEO – former Google executive Marissa Mayer.

Mayer will be at the helm of the internet company as it tries to bounce back from financial problems and internal turmoil brought about by thousands of lay-offs and failed attempts of the past four CEOs of the company.

According to a document from the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States, 37 year old Mayer will be paid by Yahoo at an annual base rate of $1,000,000. She will also be eligible for an annual bonus under the Company’s executive incentive plan which will be at 200% of her base salary.

Furthermore, she will also be given $12 million worth of stocks (in grants and options) over the next three years and $14 million worth of restricted stocks to compensate for the money she would have gotten if she stayed with Google.  And on top of that, Yahoo will also give her an extra $30 million if she stays with the company for five years.

Not bad right, especially since she’s expecting a baby boy by October this year.


Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO, raised the curtains on the company’s latest update to its very popular suite of office applications – Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office 2013 or MS Office 15, according to Ballmer will deliver unparalleled productivity and flexibility for both consumers and business customers.  The new suite, will sport the new Metro look and will be seamlessly integrated with the user interface of the upcoming Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft. It will also be touch-friendly, with support for tap to select and pinch-to-zoom functionality.

Also, it will reportedly be heavily dependent on Microsoft’s cloud service, with documents being saved by default to the cloud, allowing users access to content while on the go by using other devices like tablets and smartphones.

Office 15 will be shipped together with ARM-based windows 8 devices, which is scheduled to be released by October 2012. It will also be available as a stand-alone product, with pricing and availability to be announced.

And just like Windows 8, Office 15 is already available for download as a consumer preview via Microsoft’s website.

And that’s the latest updates on the tech world for this edition of Tech Tuesdays on TFL. Tune in again next week for your weekly dose of news, features and events in the tech industry. Also, please follow us on twitter and be a fan on Facebook. Thanks!


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