Summer Fashion Tip: Pick the right Sunglasses!

Sunglasses is one of the most visible fashion must have not only during summer time but all year round. And I must admit that wearing sunglasses boost your confidence and it brings out the “Matrix” in you.  You somewhat feel like you are in an action movie or something. 
Anyhoo, it is not enough that you go to the mall and purchase those sunglasses you like. You need to check first if it works for the shape of your face or not.  Sunglasses that look good on other people may not work for you.  So what do we do?

How to pick the right sunglasses :
  1. Let’s start by knowing what kind of face shape we have. Round, Oblong, Oval, Heart, Triangle and Square, are the different face shapes. And it is very important that you know, what the shape of your face is. And of course, use the mirror that is usually placed near the rack of sunglasses. They are there for a reason, and that is to check if you are wearing the perfect one.

a.       Round - They usually have cheeks that are full, so go for sunglasses that are semi-rimless or those that are rectangular in shape because it can complement the upper part of your face. You have to work with sunglasses that can help your face look thinner and can show the few angles that your face have.
b.    Oval – This is the face shape that can practically go with any sunglasses. If you have this shape for your face then you will not have to worry much because any frame can actually work well with it. 
c.      Oblong – They usually have longer faces and what they need to do is to have sunglasses that will help their face look shorter and wider. Usually, round or square frames that are broad will work for them.
d.   Heart – People with this face shape should go for sunglasses that will make their face balanced. Sunglasses that are narrow with rounded frames will help out in balancing the upper and lower part of the face.
e.     Triangle – People with this kind of face shape usually have narrow foreheads, so they should go for sunglasses that have straight top line to balance their jawline. They can also try those that are rimless.
2. Pick the right color – Just like with our garments, we also need to pick the right sunglasses color for us.  

3.Check the material used – We use sunglasses for our eyes not only because we want to look stylish, we wear this because we also want to protect our eyes. It is very important your sunglasses protect your eyes from the harm UVB and UVA Rays, check how many percent of the UVB And UVA Rays can the sunglasses block. By checking the materials, you can also what type of lens was used; we don’t want our sunglasses to be easily scratched.

4. Check the fit – make sure that it fits! Sometimes we don’t notice that when we’re buying it and realized it once you are already wearing it!         

Better get those sunglasses right ok? You can even bring a friend with you, if you want to make sure you'll get the right pair.


Love and Kisses <3

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