Summer Makeup: Sun Kissed

They say that if it’s summer, less is more when we do our makeup. As much as possible, let’s stay away from dark eye shadows and heavy makeup. Instead, let’s try very light makeup and go for that sun kissed look!

I listed some random products below that you can use to help you achieve our sun kissed look. This can help cut your makeup time in half and be ready for summer.

1.           Concealer -  If you have imperfections that you need to cover especially your dark under eye circles, use concealer to hide them. There are concealers with very light coverage that you can use.
Koshize Natural Concealer | Stephipay's Vanity Closet

Avon Concealer | Stephipay's Vanity Closet

2.       Moisturizer with SPF – Moisturizer with SPF are very good for our face since it can protect us from the sun.  It is also better if you use tinted moisturizers since it can double as your foundation/face powder. They can also make your face look flawless and natural.

Olay Anti Aging Cream with Touch of Foundation

CLINIQUE Tinted Moisturizer

3.       Waterproof Mascara – Use clear mascara on your lashes to open up your eyes. Since it is clear, you will not worry about it melting.

Maybelline Clear Mascara

Avon Clear Mascara | Stephipay's Vanity Closet

4.       Bronzer - Applying bronzer on your face will be good way to fake that tan and give you an instant sun kissed look.


5.       Lip Balm/Lip Tint – Since Haring Araw is hotter in summer, we need to keep our lips protected by using lip balm with SPF and/or lip tint.  Aside from protection, it is like a finishing touch to our sun kissed look.

Maybelline Baby Kiss Lip Balm | Stephipay's Vanity Closet

Benetint by Benefit

Lip Stain by Elf

If you think you need more than these, feel free to add more! Add a bright eye shadow or a peachy blush on to your cheeks. But keep in mind that we want to look fresh and sun kissed!

Lots of love this summer for y'all,
Phipay <3

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