The Nostalgic Pinoy: Top (Techie) Toys of the 90s

Technology has always been a part of man’s life ever since history began. It may take different forms as time goes by and it may function differently as newer technologies emerge, but one thing always remains no matter when you are, technology plays an important role in our lives.

In fact, all of us have had a moment to experience technology during our childhood. I guess we just don’t appreciate it nowadays with all our gadgets, phones, laptops and tablets. So to refresh your memories, here are a few techie toys from the decade that was.

Nintendo Family Computer

Otherwise known as the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES is the iconic gaming console of the 90s. Unlike today’s hard drive based or Disc based gaming systems, the NES used cartridges which children blow air with their mouths whenever the system fails to load the game. The NES came with two controllers equipped with a 4-way navigational button, and 2 action buttons (labeled A and B).

The NES was the best-selling gaming console of its time and was later named in 2009 by American gaming website, IGN as the single greatest video game console in history.


The tamagotchi was the first digital pet to be introduced in the Philippines. It was first sold by Bandai in 1996 in Japan and slowly went viral all over the world. The object of the game is to raise a virtual animal or other type of living being from its birth, usually as an egg to adult stage.

On top of that, the owner of a tamagotchi is required to perform tasks or chores related to the development of the pet including bathing, feeding, and playing with the virtual pet. The tamagotchi can also get sick so it is the duty of the owner to cure him and help it recover. If the virtual pet dies or in any case that the owner wants to start over, a button can be pressed to reset the entire process.

The Brick Game

The brick game is the one of the affordable gadget in the 90s. With a price tag not exceeding 200 pesos, a lot of kids and even adults in the 1990s was able to enjoy this gaming device. The brick game allows the user to play a monochrome version of tetris on a small LCD screen with buttons similar to the NES.

Nintendo Game Boy

For those who were looking for a portable version of the NES, the Nintendo Gameboy offers the best of both worlds with functionality comparable to the NES but with a form factor very similar to the brick game.

Just like the NES, games for the Gameboy are stored in a cartridge and owners can buy and swap game titles whenever a new game is released. It also has the same navigational and action buttons as the NES and the brick game. It was usually powered by four AA batteries but a separate AC/DC adapter can be purchased for use in longer periods of time.

Electronic Dictionary

Another gadget that kids in the 90s were fond of is the electronic dictionary. Although it wasn’t really designed to be used as an entertainment device, its word game features was a hit for kids back then.

It’s definitely cheaper than a Gameboy but offers more functionality than a brick game. Furthermore, it can be brought to school without any problems with strict teachers and school administrators of that decade. If you’ve own one of these electronic devices or you classmate had one, I’m sure that you remember playing “Hang Man” or some sort of word guessing game during recess and lunch breaks.

And that’s it folks! Did we miss something? If you had the opportunity to play other techie games and toys that were not listed in this post back in the days, please tell our readers about it by leaving a comment below. You can also add TFL on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, or subscribe to our RSS feeds for other Filipino Lifestyle related stories.


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The Filipino Lifestyle is a team of young and hip professionals with a passion for sharing their insights on topics various about technology, gadgets, travel, food, beauty and fashion with the rest of the online world. The team’s unique mix of hobbies and interest allows The Filipino Lifestyle Blog to be a rich source of information for its readers that is both fun and interesting to read.

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