Tech Tuesdays Ep. 1: Event | Breach | New Screen

The tech world is such an ever dynamic place and each day is filled with new technology and new stories that can greatly affect how we live our lives. And since technology is very much intertwined with our lives and our lifestyle, it’s very important that we keep up-to-date with the latest trends, news and innovations about the tech industry.

For this reason, I have decided to put up a special section in our blog that will feature technology news and trends that are most relevant to the common Pinoy. And today marks its first episode! So if you’re ready, let’s begin.

A New Screen: A YouTube video has recently received a lot of attention from the tech savvy community. The video shows a new tactile display that has buttons that rise out of the screen when needed. According to its creators – Tactus Tech, the protruding buttons are made possible with the use of microfluidic technology. It’s a special layer of fluid within the display stack that is activated by pressure causing the protrusion of buttons when needed.

At present, Tactus tech is currently planning to partner with device and component manufacturers to integrate the tactile layer into next-generation devices of mobile phones, tablets and other devices that makes use of touch screens.

Breach: Probably the most important news in the past two weeks was about LinkedIn. The password theft that happened last week shocked the entire LinkedIn community. Around 6.5 million passwords were apparently dumped in a Russian hacker forum, compromising the social networking site’s reputation.

And although passwords were the only ones that the hackers took from the site, experts say that these passwords can be reverse engineered to decrypt other sources of information. During the past few days, LinkedIn has been bombarded by criticisms on how they protect data from their members. And although it still hasn’t affected the performance of their stocks in the market, the world has yet to know the full story and full extent of the damage as the company is mum on the details of the breach.

A New Breed of Asha: It seems Nokia hasn’t given up on Symbian yet. They recently released three new Asha models. The Nokia 311, 306 and 305 will all pack touch screens and as the conventional naming convention suggests, the higher the number will mean that the device will have the higher specs. Prices for the new Asha models will start at 68 euros and will sport the usual set of multimedia and connectivity options like Bluetooth, WLAN (for 311 and 306), 3.5mm audio jack and accelerometer.

Event: One of the most talked about event from last week was Asia’s premier technology and consumer electronics trade show – Computex. Now in its 32nd year, Computex is now attended by over 120,000 global participants from IT corporations, analyst firms and media outlets, and showcases not only the latest gadgets and technology in the market but also the future of consumer electronics headed to Asia.

This year, the event’s stars were Intel and Microsoft. Intel has created some buzz a few weeks back when they announced the release of their Ivy Bridge processors to the public. And lo and behold, those Ivy Bridge processors were everywhere. Microsoft on the other hand made some noise a few days before Computex when they announced the release preview of Windows 8. In fact Windows 8 was featured in several devices at the event such as the dual display laptop/tablet Asus Taichi, the Acer 5600U and 7600U all-in-one PCs, the MSI slider S20 as well as new versions of Ultrabooks such as the Acer Aspire S7.

And that’s just about it for this episode of Tech Tuesdays. Until next week!

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The Filipino Lifestyle is a team of young and hip professionals with a passion for sharing their insights on topics various about technology, gadgets, travel, food, beauty and fashion with the rest of the online world. The team’s unique mix of hobbies and interest allows The Filipino Lifestyle Blog to be a rich source of information for its readers that is both fun and interesting to read.

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