European Tour - Dreaming a Luxurious Vacation

Europe is one of the best travel destinations around the world. Having a trip to Europe has always been part of my vacation list. It's a place with rich ancient history allowing you to travel through time by visiting top destinations in the continent.

From Rome, London, Santorini and other famous tourist spots, visiting at least one country in Europe could complete your luxurious dream vacation. Let me list down three of my dream vacation list for a European Tour.

Dream Vacation in Europe


The capital city of Italy, there are a lot of landmarks you can visit in Rome. With its rich ancient history, you will travel through time as you see in person all the places you've imagines from movies like Gladiator, Angels and Demons, Spartacus, and Jumper.

What to See in Rome

St. Peter's Basilica. Located in Vatican City, this official mother church of the Roman Catholic is a must-see. It is the burial site of St. Peter who is the first bishop of Rome.

Colosseum. Considered as one of the greatest works of Roman Architecture, Colosseum stands up until today and is one of the most popular landmarks and tourist destinations in Rome. In the movie Gladiator, there is a clear depiction on how Colosseum was used for events during the early days of Rome.


Another country in Europe with rich history. Greece is an ideal travel destination. Aside from historical landmarks, the country also boasts beautiful beaches and coast lines.

What to See in Greece

Santorini. I love beaches, so I love Santorini. The place is perfectly serene making it one of the best vacation spot in Europe. Santorini is located in the Southern Aegean Sea. 


The place where a lot of fairy-tale and royal stories happen, visiting Europe means checking out London too. You can't complete your travel itinerary without visiting famous tourists spots in London like the Big Ben, London Eye, and Buckingham Palace.

What to See in London

Big Ben.  To stand right before Big Ben while hearing its huge bell chime is every tourists' goal in London. Not everyone visiting the city can go near Big Ben. You can arrange a visit to this place through your tour guides to ensure a schedule. If not given a change, you can still enjoy viewing Big Ben as you walk around the area. The sight is still amazing even when you're not standing at the belfry of Big Ben.

Satisfy your wanderlust by visiting at least one country in Europe. If you have more time and more money, you can visit more than one travel destination. 

More travel ideas on my upcoming post. :)



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