Pinoy Holiday Street Goodies

We’re just two weeks away from Christmas and a few days away from the Simbang Gabi. And as with most Filipinos, I’m pretty sure that aside from attending the Simbang gabi for the next 9 days, most of you are also looking forward to getting a taste of those traditional holiday food that are usually sold at the church’s plaza. Let’s take a look at three of the most popular street food that a lot of Pinoys feast on every Christmas season.

BIBINGKA – this is a special rice cake made with coconut water, eggs and milk. It is traditionally cooked in a special terra cotta stove where the bibingka is placed in a container lined with banana leaves, which is then placed between two layers of charcoal. This gives the bibingka a distinct charred look and an aroma of roasted banana leaves and rice.

PUTO BUMBONG – Puto Bumbong is another rice-based delicacy commonly found in Philippine streets during Christmas. It’s made from glutinous rice mixed with butter or margarine, purple food color and shredded coconut. But unlike the bibingka, a puto bumbong is steamed rather than baked which gives it a more sticky consistency.

KASTANYAS – Kastanyas or chestnuts for the rest of the world is another Filipino delicacy fit for the holidays. The nuts produced by the chestnut tree are usually roasted together with atsuete to give it its signature dark brown color. Kastanyas are usually eaten as candies or desserts during Christmas.

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