Group in Focus: Click Batangas Digital Photography Club

For most people, joining a group or organization can bring them joy and fulfilment by gaining some sense of acceptance and belongingness. But aside from the privilege of being in a group, there are some organizations and communities that also provide an opportunity for its members to showcase and improve their talents at the same time.

However, such groups are not always accessible to many people due to a number of different things. It can either be because these groups ask their members to pay a premium for membership, or it could be that such organizations could have some sort of restrictions or there’s also a possibility that natural challenges such as location and time that’s preventing people from joining these communities.

Location was also the reason why a certain group of photographers from the province of Batangas decided to form their own club to cater to the needs of people with the same hobby as theirs. The group was conceived by Raymond Guevarra when he realized that there aren’t many groups in Batangas that provides the opportunity to practice their passion for photography. And hence, Click Batangas Digital Photography Club was born.

Click Batangas was founded on June 2012 and initially was created of providing a way for aspiring photographers living in the province – both professionals and amateurs, to develop their skills and improve their craft by collaborating with other members of the group. The group was co-founded by Raymond Baradas, Jeffrey Javina, Victor Jose Luna and his wife Minky Avel-Luna. This number eventually grew through word of mouth and through the founding members’ joint effort in promoting the club’s endeavours in popular social networking site – Facebook.

From the initial 5 founding members, the club’s following now grew to more than 130 followers on Facebook alone. And from two volunteer models during their first event, their photo-shoots and photowalks now feature a number additional models and sizeable increase in the number of photographers.

Guevara, as well as the other administrators of the group admit that there were several challenges they had to face in order to keep the club afloat and functioning during its first few months such as coordination among members, models and makeup artists and of course the logistics of setting up a photo-shoot in different areas of Batangas. However, they say that it’s their dedication to the craft that is continuously pushing them to improve themselves and the organization to further meet the needs of its members.

At present, Click Batangas Digital Photography Club is open to anyone with the passion for photography. The only requirement they ask from people who want to join their organization is that they should regularly attend the club’s monthly events and of course they should at the very least have a point and shoot digital camera.

As members of the club, a person will have the opportunity to collaborate with other photography enthusiasts. The group is open for questions about photography and will help its members to find gadgets and accessories they need or want. Their Facebook page also acts as a market place where people can lend, borrow, sell or buy photography-related things such as lenses, batteries, reflectors and tripods.


According to its founder, their dream is to expand the group and build the “Click” brand to different provinces all over the country (e.g. Click Manila, Click Cavite, Click Laguna, etc.) and thereby creating a network of communities united with their passion for photography.

If you have any questions about the group or would want to contact them for whatever reason, you can drop by their Facebook Page for more information.


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