5 Tourism Treasures of the Bicol Region

Whenever one mentions the word Bicol, the usual things we associate with this region of the Philippines are Mount Mayon, Pili nuts and of course Bicol express. And in terms of tourist destinations, the Bicol region was usually overshadowed by its more popular neighbors like the beaches of Batangas and Puerto Galera, the world renowned tourist hotspot Boracay or other scenic destinations in the Palawan area.

But of course the Bicolanos would argue that their home province can also provide a one-of-a-kind experience for tourist, travelers and vacationers who may want to try to visit some the region's amazing offerings. Here are five amazing spots people can visit and enjoy whenever they are in area or would want to visit sometime in the future.


Camsur Watersports Complex is a watersports park that caters to water sports enthusiast, specifically those interested in wakeboarding, wakeskating and waterskiing. The complex features amenities such as a 6-point cable ski system that provides guests with a facility to freely practice any of the water sports that the park is famous for. Thre are also restaurants, sand bars, spas, pro-shops and grandstands that cater to the other needs of its guests.


Caramoan is a first class municipality in the province of Camarines Sur and has a population of about 70,000. The province has experience moderate increase in tourism in recent years due to the majestic scenes offered by the various beaches scattered throughout the peninsula. The province has been featured in numerous news shows, local television programs and in the movies.

Since then, foreigners and tourists have started going to Caramoan. Popular destination in the Caramoan peninsula include the Caramoan National Park and Gota beach where people enjoy activities like diving, snorkeling and spelunking.


The municipality of Donsol in Sorsogon was once unknown to the world and was merely described as a simple and unassuming fishing village in the province. But it all changed when people were made aware that the area is a sanctuary for whale sharks. Although locals were already aware of the presence of whale sharks in their area for the longest time, they misconception about these animals as dangerous has led the people to stray away from these creatures.

It was only when an amateur video of a group of SCUBA divers were passed on to the media showing their interaction with the whale sharks did the people started to change their way of thinking. After that, the municipality of Donsol, started attracting tourists from all over the world for the same whale shark interaction experience that the diver group had. And since then Donsol has been synonymous with whale sharks or "butanding" and has become one of the most known tourist destinations in the Philippines earning the distinction as the "Whale shark capital of the world".


Another amazing tourist spot in Bicol is the Kawa-Kawa Natural Park in Tuburan, Ligao city. It is one of the most well-known local tourist spots in Bicol especially during the Lenten season. This is because the park features 14 life-sized statues of the 14 stations of the cross in which Christian believers go to to renew their faith every year.


And finally, there's Misibis Bay, a luxury resort along the southern tip of Cagraray Island in Bacacay, Albay. This 5-hectare property offers luxury accommodations that include 37 luxurious Asian-inspired villas with high end interiors that feature various luxury amenities. Of course all these luxury come with a price - with room rates starting at over $400 a night, Misibis bay isn't exactly an affordable option. But for those with money to splurge, this resort offers possibly the best accommodation in the area.

So there you have it guys! Take your pick among the best locations in Bicol. If you have other suggestions, please do leave them in the comment box below. You might also want to add TFL on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Plus or better yet subscribe using their RSS feeds for more Filipino lifestyle stories about fashion, beauty, tech and gadgets, food and of course travel. Till next time!


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