Upcoming Concerts in the Philippines

Filipinos have a long history of being music lovers. And this love for music is seen in and around the metro. Manila and neighboring cities for instance are lined with bars and lounges that provide live band performances to their customers. One can even find music playing in common neighborhoods through KTV or karaoke.

So it’s not surprising that a lot of Filipinos go gaga over concerts. And this year, a slew of foreign artists have decided to drop by the Philippines to jam. And although going to these concerts may raise some patriotic eyebrows, the idea of going to a concert of an international artist is still too much of an opportunity for us to easily pass by.

So we’ve created a list of some of the most popular foreign acts who will land on our shores in the coming weeks.

So are you excited? If you are, better save up because ticket prices to some of these concerts can become a bit pricey. J


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