Fifty Shades of Grey

The controversial and best-selling book, Fifty Shades series has set record surpassing Harry Potter series as the fastest-selling paperback of all time. There are three reasons why I read the book: one, out of curiosity. I want to know why it became a best seller. Two: because it surpassed Harry Potter series which is my favorite. Three, it’s something new to read for me because I am not a fan of novels about love stories.

My curiosity to find out what makes this book written by EL James so famous and controversial moves me to read each page until I got hooked for the story itself. The first book received a lot of criticisms because of its content. It is a book meant only for adult and responsible readers. Although, I have nothing against the book. It is good and the story is interesting.

Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele

Fifty Shades of Grey, the first of the three-instalment book revolves around the two main casts of the story Christian Grey and Anatasia Steele. It tells a story about the emotional struggles of Anastasia, the main female protagonist who fell in love with Christian Grey. Their relationship isn’t what she dreamt of so she wants more from her brooding man, Christian Grey.

Hearts and flowers – the idea of turning a man into a better person can put butterfly in your stomach. Christian Grey is the guy every girl could wish for, of course minus his dark personality which Anastasia embraces making the guy liked her too. It’s my first time to read a book that made me feel so “kilig” while reading. The book has so many sensual parts as told in the reviews making it not an ideal book for younger teens. The story has more to tell but the context is for the adult readers.

Maybe, one of the reasons why a lot of people read the book is because they can relate to the character of Ana Steele, a hopeless romantic. It is a trait that lives in everyone’s heart whether it is obvious or not. Everyone is capable of loving, and that made the book a good read for those who are seeking inspirations about love.

If you will ask me which among the three books is the best, I’ll give my vote for the second book: Fifty Shades Darker. I will tell more on my next post. Meanwhile, the book has been planned to be produced and released on the big screen. A lot have been waiting who will get the role of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele.

Actors Who Can Play the Role of Christian Grey

The web has already listed potential actors for the character of Christian Grey, the hot and rich CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc. described in the book as a beautiful man who looks like a Greek God. For sure, girls will be waiting who’s the perfect actor for this seemingly perfect guy. They should choose wisely so ladies won’t be disappointed. Here are the actors who made it on the top list.

Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer, the star of USA Network TV Series, White Collar makes it to the top list of actors to portray Christian Grey. This sexy man we’ve already seen on his CEO-like suit with gray ties is really fit for the character. It’s not that hard to imagine.

Ian Somerhalder

My personal choice and also on the top list is the actor from The Vampire Diaries, Ian Somerhalder. I can imagine him as Christian Grey. His stunning eyes, manly cheek stubbles, and brooding look makes him perfect for the character. Although, I am torn between Ian Somerhalder and Matt Bomer - I both like them for the character.

Henry Cavill

The actor who will play on the next Superman movie, Henry Cavill is also made it on the list of Christian Grey actors. The role of Edward Cullen for the movie Twilight was almost given to him since Stephenie Meyer saw him as the perfect Edward Cullen. But he's too old for the role. Cavill also played Theseus in the movie Immortals.

Who is your Christian Grey? Feel free to share your opinion. ;)


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